BOL 1: Tools of Self Mastery
Series 1 will cover tools of self mastery beginning with the powerfulness of the breath; how it communicates with us and how we can utilize it for our own self care. We will move onto the voice (throat chakra) and explore the powerful healing applications of sound and vibration through vocal toning, the vibrational impact of vocabulary, and how we express our truth. We will then move onto the logic mind (ego) versus the heart mind (higher Self); how to determine the difference, which voice to listen to, and how it feels inside the body. Dowsing, recognizing our own vibrational signatures (empathic abilities), what is our energy and what is others, and how we respond to it plus various other tools will also be explored as we uncover and reawaken the master from within.
Each Breath of Love class is 7 weeks long with a minimum registration of 4 participants. The fee is $150/person. Please bring a yoga mat, water bottle, and an open heart.
If you wish to book a module for a group session with friends, family, co-workers, couples, or as a group of expectant mothers working through the birthing process to experience a supportive healing experience, please contact me separately to make arrangements. Each 7 week module can be taught as a day seminar or several modules can be combined into a weekend workshop. A minimum of 4 participants will be needed to run a class.